
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Flab to Fit - Starting Over

I failed, miserably.  My fitness goals got derailed with the holidays and I used my broken thumb as an excuse to stay off track.  In all honesty, I just got lazy and as the days turned into weeks it was harder and harder to get myself to the gym.  A few weeks ago I was feeling motivated again and, with gusto, I headed back to the gym.  After working out a couple days, I got knocked on my behind with a nasty cold.  Then I worked a slew of night shifts and, well, now its been another couple weeks without working out.  Wah-wah-wah. 

This week is fairly light as far as work goes and the hubby is working crazy hours, so what better week to start all over?  Yesterday I dragged my bum to the gym and finally worked out.  I only lasted 25 minutes on the elliptical before I felt like passing out.  So I headed to the treadmill and did another 15.  I finished up with some leg weights before heading home. 

Today I planned on trying a Zumba class for the first time.  It was scheduled for 5:45 pm and I accidentally fell asleep on the couch this afternoon.  A phone call woke me up at 5 pm (I think God was trying to tell me something...).  I really really did not want to get off the couch, but I willed myself up, got dressed and made it in time for class.  It wasn't my favorite class ever, but that's because I have two left feet and hate feeling stupid in front of a wall of mirrors and a group of total strangers.  However, I left exhausted and drenched in sweat.  I think I'll stick with Body Pump and continue trying other classes (kickboxing and cycling are on my list).

Here goes!

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