
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Exciting things are happening around here

Today marked two very exciting milestones for our little family.  First, TCU accepted a bid to the Rose Bowl!!  And to make it even better:  we are taking a couple days off work, we bought plane tickets to CA, and have our names on the list for tickets...yes, ladies and gentlemen, the husband and I are heading to Pasadena to cheer on our team on New Year's Day!  We absolutely cannot wait!!  Plus, we get to see family and friends - what could be better?  Perhaps a TCU win ;o)  And maybe I can convince that wonderful husband of mine to get up bright and early to attend the Rose Parade.  I grew up about 30 miles away, but have never been...we shall see if I can work my magic on him.

So I said 2 exciting things happened today.  Our second milestone - today we officially began our house hunt.  We planned to meet with our real estate agent, go over questions and get a list of houses.  Turns out we had time and were able to get in to see some of the houses.  While we only bat .250 (only 1 out of 4 made the cut), we got a really good feel for what we want.  We are heading out again next weekend to look at the rest of the list from today and are working on adding more homes to the "to see" list.  Its an exciting but stressful time.  Thinking about a mortgage, down payment, closing costs and the utility bills that more than doubling our square footage entails can get a bit overwhelming.  But when we were standing in a huge kitchen with more cabinets than I would know what to do with its sooo exciting!

I'll keep you updated as we go through this journey to find a great first home for us, the pup and any (distant) future family members!

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