
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Lacey!

Well today is not really her birthday - it was 2 days ago, but being a neglectful dog mom, I forgot. Here's the first picture of her we have:

When we picked her up from Oklahoma City she weighed barely 5 pounds and was shaking like a leaf. I remember the first night I had friends over for dinner, so I put her in her kennel in my bathroom to prevent her from going potty all over the apartment. She whined and wimpered the entire time.

Here are a couple pictures from her first day with her new family:

Over the time we've had her, she's been a source of lots of fun and joy and occasionally frustration. She is the smartest, most annoying and neurotic dog I've ever known. She loves playing with people and other dogs (still not realizing she's not one of the "big" dogs). I still say she is the best Christmas gift I've ever received.

And because she's so cute (not that I'm biased or anything) - here's some more pictures:

  • With Corey's cousin's daughter (Christmas 2007):
  • Her favorite place/position - asleep on the couch:

  • Spending time with her buddy Jake in Hilton Head:
  • Snow! In VA - March 2009
And, I took this just a few nights ago. I went into the bedroom looking for her to take her outside before bed and I find her like this:
She was just hanging out in her kennel - mind you we have not put her in her kennel in several months - usually we just close her in the bedroom. It was too cute not to take a picture.

On a different note: I finished my neurosurgery rotation alive and with my sanity! And, strangely enough, I really started enjoying it toward the end. Enough that I might even consider it as an area to eventually work in. Crazy, I know, but its pretty interesting and a great mix of OR, floor and ICU time. We shall see how things turn out... Monday I start my Behavioral Medicine (aka psych) rotation at Children's National Medical Center. I'll most likely be working on the inpatient adolescent unit so it should be interesting!

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